



摘 要:市场经济环境下企业如何正确认识竞争情报、如何建立企业竞争情报系统己成为企业面临的重要问题。本文分析介绍了竞争情报、竞争情报系统的概念、作用和构建过程,并重点阐述企业如何建立竞争情报系统和有效合理的管理机制。

Application and Practice on  Construction  of  Enterprise Competitive Intelligence System

LIN Dong

(S&T Information Institution of Fuzhou, Fuzhou  150001,China)

Abstract:How to correctly understand  competitive intelligence  and  construct the  enterprise competitive intelligence system  is  an important  problem  faced  by enterprises   in the situation of market-oriented economy. This paper analysis the concept, function and  construction process of competitive intelligence and competitive intelligence system,and more emphases are put on how to construct the competitive intelligence system as well as a more effective and reasonable management mechanism

Key words:enterprise competitive intelligence; enterprise competitive intelligence system;     construct