



摘 要: 根据电费计算服务的高度可靠性和可维护性要求,电费计算服务平台在设计时采用MVCModel-View-Controller) 思想进行分层设计,将网络通信,业务逻辑,系统监控等相分离,从而提高了系统的高可靠性与高可维护性。本文中提出了基于CIM模型的平台设计方法,并对基于CIM模型的设计方法进行了说明。

Layered Design of Electric Charge Calculation Service Platform

CHE Zhong-zhi, CHU Hong-long

(Research Institute of China Agricultural University in Yantai, Yantai 264670, China)


Abstract: Since the electric charge calculation service needs high reliability and maintainability, so the platform which services for electric charge calculation requires layered design using MVC (Model-View-Controller). In this design, network communications, business logic, system monitoring are separated to improve the high reliability and maintainability. This paper puts forward the layered design which based the CIM model and shows the measure.

Key words: electric charge calculation; business logic; layered design; common information model