



摘 要:水库是拦蓄洪水,储蓄水源,进行综合利用的一项水利枢纽工程,可以用来灌溉、养鱼、防洪、发电、旅游参观、调节气候、改善周边环境等作用,给人民带来了极大的益处,但如果工程管理不善,老化严重,将影响工程效益的正常发挥,减少使用寿命,给人们常来极大安全隐患。

Strengthen the Management of Reservoir Project to Prevent the Aging

LIU Xue-jun

(Liaoning Province Jinzhou Yi county WCB, Jinzhou 121100, China)


Abstract: The reservoir is a comprehensive hydro-junction project to store floodwater and save water, can be used for irrigation, fish farming, flood control, power generation, tourism visits, regulating climate, improving the surrounding environment, bringing huge benefits to people. But if the project is ill managed, which will bring galactic hidden danger to people, the aging will be serious, the project benefit will be affected and the service life will be reduced.

Key word: reservoir management; prevent the aging